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Please complete this online form and make your donation by 6:00 PM on Thursday, April 10, or bring a signed printout of this form with your donation directly to Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner before 9:30 AM on Friday, April 11. A sign-up sheet is also available in the Joe & Sophie Witten Chapel and in the Front Office.
THE UNDERSIGNED, BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE(S) granted full Power of Attorney to Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner of the Jacksonville Jewish Center, concerning the sale of every product containing leaven or its derivatives and all animals that consume leaven or its derivatives in his/her/their possession, effective as of 12:23 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, on April 11, 2025, until nightfall on the 20th day of April 2025. This power of attorney includes the right to rent to the purchaser all storage space, vessels and receptacles wherein such merchandise is currently found, until said purchaser sees fit to remove it to other premises. This contract is valid and binding and may thus be enforced in the most effective manner in accordance with the laws of our Torah, as well in accordance with the civil laws of the State of Florida