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be a part of Jacksonville Jewish Center History!
The Jacksonville Jewish Center is the largest synagogue in Northeast Florida. With 750+ families, we are reaching people in Duval, St Johns, Clay, and Nassau counties. The Jacksonville Jewish Center Yearbook is a remembrance book that has been distributed to our members for over 120 years. This book is a keepsake for our members and the directory is referred to throughout the year. Must be paid in full no later than July 25, 2025. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out via email or phone at 904-292-1000.
More information about sponsorship levels: Click Here
TOTAL PAYMENT DUE. Pay by Credit Card or Check. Please consider adding a donation to cover processing fees.
If you are a member and logged in, you may add the charge to your account to pay by check on or before July 25. YOU MUST HIT CONFIRM ON THE PAYMENT PAGE FOR THIS FORM TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE.